English Club Göppingen
Sprachclub Göppingen

Englisch Club Göppingen

c/o Kewal Lekha
Tobelweg 9
73103 Birenbach

Telefon 07161- 5 30 82

daily from 9:00 to 9:30
and from 3pm to 4pm


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You're most welcome to visit us,

to brush up your English language

and converse in English.

Here is a list of the forthcoming meetings in Göppingen:


Frisch Auf Restaurant
Hohenstaufenstraße 142
73033 Göppingen
Tel: 07161-73963



Toscana Ristorante
Mittlere Karlstraße 126

73033 Göppingen
Tel: 07161 - 504 80 72



Golfpark Restaurant 
Fraunhoferstr. 2

73037 Göppingen
Tel: 07161 - 9868266